Emilie Darlington


Emilie Darlington will be participating in the festival’s “We’re All In The Same Boat” art series painting a Moose.

Emilie Darlington is a freelance illustrator, painter, and muralist specializing in work that expresses connections with nature. Most often working with big blooms and bright colours, Emilie’s botanical murals can be found throughout Canada. In Emilie’s abstracts she combines organic, free-flowing paint contrasted with detailed pattern added by hand. Emilie’s botanical and abstract series are aimed at creating a targeted sensation for viewers, whether it be by scale, distortion, or immersion. These qualities are intended to evoke a shared experience for viewers, and are tailored for each piece to induce a desired emotional response or mental state. Emilie’s illustrative works have central themes of animals, patterns, and bright colours. The use of vibrant colour communicates a strong, positive energy, and a secondary layer of patterning is added when filling in colour using dots.

Audiences can tune in from the festival’s Youtube, Facebook & Instagram Channels or right here to see updates and the finished project on February 17, 2021!


Tune in on: February 17th, 2021

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