Exercise your photography skills to provide the festival with high-quality photos of all activities over the weekend. This is an opportunity to get your work out there and increase exposure of your business and/or hobby!


  • Take photos/videos of all aspects of festival happenings
  • Add your signature or watermark to images if possible
  • Name photos as PhotographerName.SubjectMatter.Date.
  • Use of photos provided by volunteer photographers will be credited each time they are used in future announcements and marketing!


Everywhere the people will be! Volunteer Photographers are still required to sign in at the Volunteer Village, however, they will be able to arrive/depart at their own digression. They will be placed in touch with the festival’s Media Assistant who will act as their Area Leader and provide them with a recommended capture list and Dropbox folder. All media sent to those folders will be considered free to use with credit.