With spring like weather just around the corner this seems like a perfect opportunity to offer a wrap up for the 2nd Annual Tim Hortons Ottawa Ice Dragon Boat Festival.


Here’s a look at the 2nd Annual Tim Hortons Ottawa Ice Dragon Boat Festival: By the Numbers!


Teams  participated. 40 more than the 60 that participated in the inaugural edition.


Minutes for registration to sell out.


Average temperature high (in Celsius) for the two days of the festival, creating perfect conditions for paddlers to prove their true dominance of the frozen waters of Dow’s Lake.


Minutes on average to apply ‘Ice Dragon Scales’, courtesy of The Colourful Chameleon, also the number of Princesses which graced the event with their presence.


Second difference in separating the Mix Finals second place team; Bytown ODM Senior B Mixed (44.89), and the champion boat; terrylonghorn.com (43.89). Check out the rest of the race results here.


Centimetre thick ice made up the race course.


Levels are what the amps were turned up to while 7 artists (Birds of Bellwoods, Kalle Mattson, The Lionyls, Twin Flames, Amos The Transparent, Rory Taillon, and Julian Taylor) took the stage for the festival’s newly debuted concert series.


Thousand dollars raised by the Shiver N Giver fundraising campaign for the Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundations charitable efforts.

Thank yous, we here at the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival have for everyone that helped make this event a success and pave the way for the 3rd annual Tim Horton’s Ottawa Ice Dragon Boat Festival on February 8th and 9th 2019.


Thank you all for another great festival and we look forward to seeing all of you next year!

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